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All buses operate from 6:15 a.m. to 7:10 p.m., Monday through Friday. On Saturday, all buses operate from 8:15 a.m. to 4:10 p.m. The buses begin and end the day at the Downtown Transfer Plaza in either city. Buses do not run on Sunday, or on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Christmas Day.
- Be at the nearest bus stop at least 5 minutes before the bus is due and have your fare, exact change, ticket or pass ready.
- Carry-on items are allowed as long as they DO NOT obstruct aisles or interfere with the doors or safe operation of the bus. Baby carriages must be folded. You must load and unload your own bicycle on the bike rack.
- NO smoking, dipping, eating or drinking on the bus.
- DO NOT talk to the bus driver while the bus is in motion.
- The use of audio devices without earphones is prohibited.
- Loud and/or disruptive behavior is prohibited.
- Firearms and hazardous materials (vehicle batteries, gasoline cans, large glass items, etc.) are prohibited.
- Front seats are designated for senior citizens and persons with disabilities.
- Service animals are allowed and must be under the control of the passenger while onboard buses or in EZ-Rider facilities. Small animals are allowed only if in a secured carrier and they are not dangerous or offensive towards other passengers on bus.
- Wheelchairs are required to be secured for transport.
EZ-Rider Ridership Basics:
Public Transit Services in Midland and Odessa
It is the mission of Midland Odessa Urban Transit District (EZ-Rider) to provide safe, reliable, affordable, and efficient public transportation with quality customer service to the Midland Odessa urban area.